Saturday, August 15, 2009

It Is Not About That

In an Associated Press report today from Montana, President Obama is quoted as saying, "I know that in a time of economic upheaval, the idea of change can be unsettling, and I know that there are folks who believe that government should have no role at all in solving our problems."

That is not what this is about, government solving problems.

Our government has stepped in many times to solve problems and voters most generally do not mind, and, in fact, at times have welcomed it.

And isn't this economic upheaval that we are experiencing quite a change itself?

Saying "…there are folks who believe that government should have no role at all in solving our problems" is a complete and total misdirection of the issues at hand.

The President's PR people, while they have decided to change tactics and get Obama tackling this issue the way that he campaigned, are doing him/have done him a disservice preparing a statement for him that is not the issue.

Do they really believe that people cannot think, that they do not hear what is being said?

Main Street USA is saying that they do not want: 1) a more than One Trillion Dollar debt that they have to pay, 2) government involved in the life insurance business, 3) a very complicated health reform bill, 4) higher taxes and more consumption taxes, 5) earmarks that do not have facts to back up why and how all of America should pay for walking trails and park street lights in select communities (among many others).

Those items have nothing to do, specifically, with the government solving problems.

How our elected government officials go about solving the problems that face all of us is what this is all about.

Nothing more, nothing less.

That skilled politicians and advisors who attempt to divert attention to issues that have nothing to do with what is in front of us is, in a word, shameful.

Many people I speak with are curious to know why no one, especially Democrats who are heavily pushing the reform, proposes Tort Reform.

Just because Lawyers and Law Firms are among the highest contributors to Democrats and spend heavily in lobbying efforts AND they derive untold millions with huge tort awards should not determine whether or not Tort Reform occurs.

Of course, that is in a perfect world.

Isn't there one politician that has the strength of character to propose and fight for Tort Reform as part of Healthcare Reform (i.e., fight for Main Street USA)?

Wouldn't it be nice if one or a dozen or scores of them really listened to Main Street USA and took a stand and fought for what is best for us in every way possible?

Perhaps I dream too much.

Over For Now,

Main Street One

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