Friday, October 9, 2009

You're talking about stuff I haven't done yet in the past tense and it's driving me crazy.

We don't often get all political up in this piece and this isn't so much a political comment as more a rhetorical question to express incredulity.

By now you've heard that Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. Normally, I don't get too concerned about these things because they're so subjective and often make little sense to my small brain.

But this time I have to ask one question: What was so impressive and peace creating about Obama's thirteen (13) days as president* that merited a nomination, let alone dominance over the rest of the planet of peace pursuers?

I personally made peace many times among my kiddos during 2008 where there was no peace and I didn't even get a nomination? That's an outrage!

Seriously, and interestingly enough, at least one commentator thinks Obama should turn it down. That might be a great PR move, actually. Rush Limbaugh thinks this is a "greater embarrassment" (for Obama) than not getting the Olympics.

P.S. I wonder if Kanye is going to show up at the award ceremony to suggest someone he deems more worthy.
The deadline for 2009 nominations for said Nobel Peace Prize was February 1st, 2009.

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