Monday, June 29, 2009

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

This is pretty neat and I'm surprised it's this easy. Here's how to get a cork out of a bottle.

Read Tim Challies' notes from Al Mohler's talk on John Calvin at the Ligonier conference.

Read Mary Mohler's prayer for wives of pastors.

Read the Newsweek article about the controversy over military chaplains using the armed forces to spread the Word of God. [Uh ... isn't that what they're supposed to be doing?]

Read about the high school secretary busted for changing her daughter's grades to improve her class rank.

Check out John Piper's explanation of why Doug Wilson is speaking at the national Desiring God conference this fall.

Check out a "gentle rebuke" to John Piper for having Doug Wilson speak at the national Desiring God conference this fall.

Read about the Craigslist pot ad leading to a pot bust.

Read this statement from Jenny Sanford, wife of South Carolina governor, Mark, who's in trouble over his adultery.

Read about the woman who put a sleeper hold on a man almost 100 pounds her larger, stopping a bank heist.

Read about Abraham Piper's disdain for saying, "Every Christian is a missionary."

Read about Rick Warren speaking at annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America,the largest yearly gathering of Muslims on the continent, addressing the theme "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Read about the study that links teen depression to bedtimes.

Read Michael Spenser's thoughts on the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting.

Read Timmy Brister's reflections on his 1st SBC annual meeting: 10 Highlights.

Read thoughts on the removal of pulpits and the use of Christian "furniture" in conveying priorities.

Read about the new dress code policy for certain Florida employees that includes deodorant and underwear, which cannot be visible. [How, then, do they know they're wearing underwear?]

Read Michael Horton on Joel Osteen and his theology.

Read You've Got Lies: Chick Flicks and the World's Approach to Men and Marriage (pdf). [Lots of good stuff to share today, but this may be the chief nugget in the bunch.]

Read about the inmate who escaped prison using the cardboard tube from the toilet paper roll.

Check out 40 Ways for Fathers to Make a Difference.

Read about the progress that has been made toward Rhode Island changing its name.

Read about the monkey urinating on Zambia's president.

Read some good J.C. Ryle on parenting.

Scope out the pictorial descent into "Credit Card Hell."

Read, download, or buy Mark Driscoll's booklet entitled, "Pastor Dad: Scriptural Insights on Fatherhood."

Read about the fleeing suspect who was apprehended when his cell phone rang, giving him away.

Check out some conversation worthy "Tweets" from the SBC annual meeting.

Check out a collection of posts regarding Michael Jackson, death, celebrity, and culture.

Read about President Obama's occasional cigarette.
"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome."
-Booker T. Washington

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Your rage has unbalanced you. You, sir, would fight to the death, against a knight who is not your enemy.

We continue with our series based on The 10 Dumbest Things Christians Do, by Mark Atteberry. The following are some notes from my Sunday school lesson at Providence Church.

DUMB MOVE #6: Fighting Among Ourselves

“I doubt that anything causes God more anguish and Satan more delight than Christians attacking one another.”

When a feud breaks out in the church … 7 terrible things always happen.

1. the church’s leaders are distracted.

“Time and energy that could be spent planning for the future, organizing new ministries, or seeing to it that the flock is well cared for, are instead spent chasing down rumors, smoothing ruffled feathers, and negotiating cease-fires.”

2. the noncombatants are discouraged.

Sometimes it’s the bystanders who leave the church when they get beat down by drama.

3. the Lord’s work is disrupted.

“… no Christian can advance the cause of Christ while punching the bride of Christ.”

4. the community’s seekers are disenchanted.

They’re already looking for excuses and want to see us fail, but interested parties will have perceptions reinforced in light of church conflict.

5. long-held beliefs are disregarded.

You may see folks do a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde transformation.

“I’ve watched believers who were otherwise kind and gentle suddenly become mean and ruthless in the middle of a church fight.”

“… the rules of common decency are generally thrown right out the window like yesterday’s garbage.”

6. the congregation’s testimony is discredited.

“the entire body is branded.”

7. the Lord is dishonored.

When His children fight it’s an embarrassment to the Father.

7 Priorities (all verbs/action) that Will Create a Culture of Calm (instead of conflict):

Priority # 1 – Obey leaders.

Priority #2 – Confront troublemakers.

“Confrontation is hard. It’s an emotional, gut-wrenching experience.”

Priority #3 – Refute heresy.

Priority #4 – Meet needs.

Priority #5 – Suppress legalism.

“While never winking at sin, we must be tenderhearted and understanding toward thow who struggle in their faith and haven’t yet overcome all the bad habits they picked up in the world.”

“… giving them adequate time to grow into the faith that is second nature to those of us who were privileged to grow up in strong Christian homes.”

Priority #6 – Discourage arguments.

Better to lose an argument than risk blow up.

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Priority #7 – Forgive sinners.

“… we are never more like Jesus than when we forgive.”

Discussion Questions:
  1. “Church conflicts are minimized when the members of the church are submissive to the leadership. Can you think of a time when you disagreed with the leadership, but chose to be submissive for the sake of peace? How difficult was it for you to do that? How do you feel about that choice today?”
  2. The church is to be both like an army and a hospital. What can you personally do to minimize the threat of “friendly fire” as well as providing a place of comfort for the wounded?
  3. Atteberry refers to legalism as “spiritual nit-picking.” In what areas are you prone to such legalism? In what areas have you experienced being on the business end of legalism?
  4. Why and how should we prioritize John 13:35 at Providence Church?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room, just for fun.

Who is the man in Romans 7:14-25?

Is it a non-Christian? Is it an immature Christian? Is it a mature Christian?

Cogitate about that some and share your thoughts in the comments section.

Paul writes in the first person in the present tense, which plays a large role in my thinking that he's speaking of the normal Christian life, the Christian's ongoing struggle with indwelling sin.

(However, I've not always held that view, and at one time I adamantly held that Paul was speaking of the experience of the pre-conversion person. Perhaps I'll finally put together an argument for my view, but not today.)

Although not conclusive, it is encouraging to me that so many of my theological heroes* share the view that Paul is speaking of a converted person's struggles.

The following quote is from John Piper speaking about J.I. Packer on this topic. (I've not been able to track down Packer's original source, but will cite it when able.)
J. I. Packer wrote an article on this passage two years ago to defend the view that I am taking here. He said...

Paul is not telling us that the life of the "wretched man" is as bad as it could be, only that it is not as good as it should be, and that because the man delights in the law and longs to keep it perfectly his continued inability to do so troubles him acutely. . . . The "wretched man" is Paul himself, spontaneously voicing his distress at not being a better Christian than he is, and all we know of Paul personally fits in with this supposition.

So I think what Paul is saying is not that Christians live in continual defeat, but that no Christian lives in continual victory over sin. And in those moments and times when we fail to triumph over sin, Romans 7:14-25 is the normal way a healthy Christian should respond. (emphasis Gunny's)

*This is not an appeal to authority per se, but rather an appeasing confirmation for me personally. Though these lads may disagree on various other things, the following all agree that the man in Romans 7:14-25 is a converted individual:
  • Matthew Bradley
  • John Calvin
  • Jonathan Edwards
  • John D. Hannah
  • Charles Hodge
  • John F. MacArthur, Jr.
  • John Murray
  • John Owen
  • J.I. Packer
  • Arthur W. Pink
  • John Piper
  • J.C Ryle
  • R.C. Sproul
  • Charles Spurgeon
(There may be others, but I didn't want to speak of those where I was unsure.)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

Wow! This girl MUST be the best beat boxer of all time. I thought I had it goin' on back in the day, but I realize now I got a big bag of nuthin'.

Read about the coupled stunned when their last viable fertilized egg was implanted into the wrong woman. (HT Jade)

Check out these 100 super cute animal photos that will make you go "Awww."

Check out Stuff People Like #126: Vespa Scooters.

Check out this outstanding review of the UBS Greek New Testament Readers Edition, comparing it to Zondervan's Readers Greek New Testament (1st & 2nd editions). (HT Ragan Ewing)

Check out the 100 most beautiful words in English.

Read Jim Elliff's thoughts on why we still need the local church, despite the plethora of resources options for growing in Christ.

Check out this list of the Top 100 Children's Books of All Time.

Check out the results of polling MLB players about the pitcher vs. hitter match-up they'd most like to see. Incidentally, while the choice for pitchers varied, the hitter was unanimous.

Read about China's growing problem of finding "ghost brides" for the recently deceased unmarried males.

Read 101 Common Sense Rules for Leaders.

Read this nice Horatius Bonar quote about how God necessarily must change a man's perception of himself and of God in the process of conversion.

Read about Facebook eclipsing MySpace with more users, at 70.28 million in May.

Read about research that proves fingerprints DO NOT improve our grip friction, as previously believed.

Read about Scientology's "creepy" new advertising campaign.

Read about Peter Masters' criticism of the "new Calvinism" for its lack of holiness.

Read Doug Wilson's response the Peter Masters' criticism, criticizing the critic.

Read Newsweek's interesting look into the mind of West Point's class of 2009.

Read Rebecca Brown's [necessary] reminder of some basic manners.

Check out the sermons from the Banner of Truth conference in PA. (HT Jade)

Read about the potential benefits of tag-team vegetarianism (my label).

Read Kim Riddlebarger's thoughts on what would happen if Calvinists were in the majority.

Read Tozer's thoughts on pragmatism in the church.

Check out this interesting piece entitled, "Is preaching killing your church plant?"

Read (Part 1 - Part 2) What Your Pastor Wishes You Knew about Him. (HT Benji)

Read Tim Challies' thoughts on God answering prayer for Acts 12.
"Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why."
-Eddie Cantor

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Who you are defines what you do.

Yesterday I met with a young man interested in the pastorate/eldership/ministry. He asked me what I look for in a man in that regard.

I hadn't prepared an answer, but quickly came out with the following:

1. I look for a man with a passion for the word of God.

He has to be convinced of the certrality and necessity of the Bible. If he's not convinced of the authority and sufficiency of God's Word, he will be susceptible to pragmatism, compromise, and self-reliance.

There's no substitute for the transforming nature of God's Word in church & personal life.

2. I look for a man with a passion for holiness.

I want a leader who is pursuing Christ, then he just takes others along with him. But attitude reflects leadership. If the leaders don't take seriously a pursuit of holiness in the spirit of Semper Reformanda, "always reforming," the people/church will become complacent with a sub par spirituality. Consequently, the church will be ineffective in the community and with regard to glorifying the Holy One who redeemed them to be like Him.

There's no substitute for personal holiness in the performance of pastoral duties.

3. I look for a man with a passion for the local church.

This would have disqualified hordes of jokers I knew in seminary, who demonstrated minimal (at best) commitment to their congregations while in seminary.

The local church is mechanism by which God executes the Great Commission. The local church is not merely a job or a place to do something by which we feel significant, but it's Christ's body in this world. Though it be flawed due to sinners being made holy, we love the people because Christ love the church. We love what He loves.

There's no substitute for the environment in which God transforms His children to be His ambassadors in communities they're infiltrating for Christ.

All the stuff in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 are essential, of course, as are how he handles his children and gets along with his wife. However, many of those things we can work on.

We can provide mentoring and training therein, but I can't give a guy a passion for the Word, holiness, or the local church. Without those there's reason for him to question his calling and for the church to be hesitant in affirming any such calling.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

Without notice, I couldn't join in on the festivities.

Read about the shenanigans in the Los Angeles after the Mighty Lakers won their 15th championship, giving Phil Jackson his record 10th championship as a coach. (cf. FoxNews on the subject)

Read Daniel Hamermesh's thoughts on what G.P.S. can do for your marriage.

Get Johnny Mac's The Jesus You Can't Ignore for FREE.

Read about the stir caused when Playboy writer Guy Cimbalo shared the top 10 Republican women he’d like to rape. (This is misogyny run amuck at a minimum, but be careful clicking on some of the links as I recommend more reading about the filth than the filth itself, even though the actual article was pulled.)

Read about the Maryland judge ruling in favor of the pro-life advocates who were shackled and strip searched by the police.

Read why Russell Moore has the congregation stand when reading Scripture.

Read Barack Hussein Obama's proclamation of June as "Gay, Lesbian, BiSexual, and Transgender Pride" month. (I meant to get this edition out last Monday, but it's still a "worthwhile" read, albeit not as timely.)

Read about Chris Brauns' experiment of asking some bloggers where they would take him to dinner in their respective towns and what two Bible characters would tag along.

Read Timmy Brister's thoughts on living with regrets.

Check out this list of popular film misquotes, complete with audio.

Check out Lance Ward's 15 unforgettable books.

Read about continuing efforts for Obama's disputed birth certificate to be found/produced, validating his eligibility to be president.

Read 22 ridiculous things I believed as a child, by Abraham Piper.

Read about the gross science of a cough and a sneeze.

Read about ESPN's all-time rankings of NBA franchises. Even before last night's game, they got #1 right.

Read this ABC News piece about the emerging nature of Obama's Muslim roots. (There's been an awful lot of distancing from his Christianity while finding common ground with Muslim nations.)

Read a piece that questions whether or not steroids are really all that bad on the body, citing longtime users as examples.

Read about a brave lad getting stabbed after standing up to a bully.

Read about Bill Maher's criticism of Obama, saying he's on television too much and should be more like George Bush. (video clip included)

Check out Gunny's very own Facebook link.
"Never spend your money before you have it."
-Thomas Jefferson

Friday, June 12, 2009

The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.

I heartily recommend the following article put forth by the folks who bring you the Leadership Journal. It may help churches' leaders and followers better understand what is praiseworthy.

I will interact with a few quotations to whet your appetite.

Great is Thy Effectiveness?
There’s danger in rooting our identity in ministry rather than in Christ.
If you've been in ministry long, I think you'll understand the subtitle, or at least the temptation described. It seems almost automatic that we tie our self-esteem and identity to the church we've been called to shepherd. Perhaps this is why so many pastors "feel called" to the larger, more prestigious congregations.
"It seems too many of us have our identities wrapped up in the measurable outcomes of our work rather than in the life-giving love of the Christ we proclaim."
Making matters worse is the unnatural and unbiblical pressure for church leadership to "produce" results, for one's measure of worth tends to be interwoven with quantitative growth. Effectiveness lends itself to arrogant self-reliance and a sense of self-importance. Ineffectiveness lends itself to discouragement and temptation to unspiritual means to supposed spiritual ends.

A great many churches are either plateaued or in decline. If our identity is tied up in how we do, rather than in whom we are, we're doomed to despair.

Biblically, I think we're called to be faithful. Campus Crusade taught me the essence of Christian service: "Sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, leaving the results to God." (However, we didn't always leave the results to God.)

Do seminaries, book publishers, parishioners, or even fellow pastors really believe success is measured in faithfulness to the task God has assigned? Yes, that's a rhetorical question, but you knew that because of who speaks in chapel, whose books are on the shelf, and who gets praised by the populace.
"Yes, we need to work diligently and serve Christ with our very best—this is our worship to God. But how we define success should look very different in the economy of God’s kingdom from the tangible stats the world celebrates."
Who's to blame? Does the congregation put unrealistic expectations on the clergy, holding them accountable for what is clearly God's responsibility? After we've planted and watered, only He can make it grow. (1 Cor 3:6-7)
"Some might say these leaders have failed to nurture their souls sufficiently. We usually want to blame leaders for their own burn out, but when I see the pervasiveness of this problem I wonder if there isn’t also a systemic factor. Could contemporary church ministry itself be the problem?"
Only God adds to the church (Acts 2:47). Only God opens hearts (Acts 16:14). What a privileged blessing it is to be a part of His process, but we must remember soli Deo Gloria, to God alone be the glory.

Read the full article.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You're breaking up with me because I'm too ... blonde.

We continue with our series based on The 10 Dumbest Things Christians Do, by Mark Atteberry. The following are some notes from my Sunday school lesson at Providence Church.

DUMB MOVE #5: Hopping from Church to Church
“We treat church with a consumer mentality—looking for the best product for the price of our Sunday morning. As a result, we’re fickle and not invested for the long-term, like a lover with a wandering eye, always on the hunt for something better.” – Joshua Harris

Of church hoppers, Atteberry notes, “In their minds, every hop is justified.” Who are these church hoppers?

2 Breeds of Church Hoppers:
1. The Complainers

“The complaining church hopper is never satisfied. He finds fault with everything the church does and foolishly believes the church down the highway will be exactly what he’s looking for.”

2. The Consumers ~ This is a new breed of church hopper, sampling the best various churches have to offer.

“With so many new churches springing up and offering such a rich diversity of worship styles, preaching styles, and programming, there can be a smorgasbord of fascinating possibilities in a single community.”

By way of illustration, “You may prefer the fries at McDonald’s, the Whopper at Burger King, and a Wendy’s Frosty for your sweet tooth.” The consumer church hopper will approaches churches the same way.

Churches are not perfect, but in the search for the perfect one, hoppers keep hopping.

“Who came up with this notion that you should never settle down and commit to a church until you find one that’s perfect in every way?” ... “Satan did, that’s who.”

Atteberry’s 6 Conclusions about Church Hopping:

1. Church hoppers tend to be very critical.

“[church] flaws are their license to keep hopping.”

They will keep inspecting until they find something wrong to validate the hunch that this church was unworthy of them.

2. Church hoppers tend to have a “Me First” attitude.

“The bottom line: Chronic church hoppers love to be catered to, doted on, and spoon-fed. And when they aren’t, they’re gone.”

3. Church hoppers almost never get involved.

The church needs committed people that can be counted upon, however.

“God has always intended for service and ministry to happen inside the body of Christ. But that can’t happen without people who settle in and become steadfastly committed and involved.”

4. Church hoppers almost never make a series financial investment in the church.

“So if a church hopper’s heart isn’t in the local church (and it never is), his or her money won’t be either.”

5. Church hoppers make it a point to remain emotionally detached.

We need each other and if we’re detached from each other, we become easy prey (1 Pet 5:8).
“When God’s people lock arms and commit to watching out for one another, [Satan’s] opportunities are greatly reduced.”

6. Church hoppers enjoy living free from accountability.

“Good elders watch for and “blow the whistle” on conduct that would be harmful to the body. But, of course, they have jurisdiction over only the specific flock they’re a part of. That means a church hopper, because he hasn’t officially identified himself with any one church, is virtually exempt from any oversight.”

5 Blessings of a Long-Term Commitment to a Church:
  1. Serving faithfully in one church over the long haul will give you a sense of belonging.
  2. Serving faithfully in one church over the long haul will give you a sense of accomplishment.
  3. Serving faithfully in one church over the long haul will lead you to some wonderful discoveries about yourself.
  4. Serving faithfully in one church over the long haul will fill your life with meaningful relationships.
  5. Serving faithfully in one church over the long haul will make you a powerful witness for the LORD.

Discussion Questions:
  1. The essence of Kant’s Categorical Imperative* is that one should only do that which he/she would wish everyone else should do also. What would be the state of Christianity if everyone had the church hopper M.O.?
  2. Why is church hopping bad for the church? Why is it bad for the individual church hopper?
  3. How do you move people from being consumers to contributors, takers to givers?
  4. Atteberry says that, “there are times when it would be wrong not to look for another church home.” So, while it may be easier to find invalid reasons to change churches, what are some valid reasons to leave? Are there some reasons that necessitate leaving a church?

*1st Maxim/1st Formulation: “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.”

Friday, June 5, 2009

Boy, you don't know nothing. Mighty Mouse is a cartoon. Superman's a real guy. There's no way a cartoon could beat up a real guy.

We continue with our series based on The 10 Dumbest Things Christians Do, by Mark Atteberry. The following are some notes from my Sunday school lesson at Providence Church.

DUMB MOVE #4: Speaking above the Level of Our Knowledge

There are some more obvious sins, but what about the sneakier ones?

We all know it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. But how often do we speak from our ignorance, above the level of our knowledge?

“A seasoned scholar will often speak humbly, acknowledging that the things he doesn’t know far outnumber the things he does. But a fool will recklessly spew rumors, hearsay, and speculation like it’s gospel.”

It seems to me part of the problem is that people want certainty more than truth, but that's a post for another time.

“Liars, gossips, and caustic critics are always seen as troublemakers, while a person who speaks above the level of his knowledge is often a good-hearted soul with the best of intentions.”

Our tongues can get us into all kinds of trouble (James 3:1-12). So, we should be quick to hear, but slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)

But, and perhaps ironically, “… people who don’t have a clue what they’re talking about never seem to lack confidence.”

Remember, the Hippocratic Oath: "First, do no harm." In speaking to other Christians, even if we can't be of help (Eph 4:29), we must first, do no harm.

4 Temptations to resist to avoid so we don't speak above the level of our knowledge:

1. Temptation to Analyze People

We are particularly prone to assume motives, even in the marriage relationship, thereby suffering from negative interpretation.

“… only God is wise enough (and fair enough) to make judgments regarding another person’s deepest secrets and private motives.”

2. Temptation to Explain Suffering
“For some reason, when we see suffering, we feel compelled to try to explain it.”

Remember when Jesus was asked, who sinned so that the man was born blind? Their faulty assumption was that suffering was a result of sin.

There were a plethora of explanations offered for 9/11. In my sermon the following Sunday, I made the following statement: "We as Christians and myself as a preacher of the Word are called upon to do exegesis of the Bible, not current events. It’s always very dangerous to read the Bible in one hand and a copy of the newspaper in the other."

Sadly, many who have experienced a miscarriage have been told they were being punished because of some sin in their lives.

Remember Job’s friends? What should they have done? (cf. Rom 12:15 ~ Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.)

“The reason why it’s pointless to try to explain suffering is because it isn’t always the result of sin. Sometimes it’s the result of faithfulness. And the purpose of it isn’t always to punish. It can also be intended to strengthen.”

3. Temptation to Spread Rumors

“The next time a juicy rumor comes your way, picture an open spigot with sin gushing forth. And then consider that your response will be a crank of that spigot’s handle to either the left or the right.”

4. Temptation to Believe Everything You Hear

What’s the danger? People act on faulty information. Even in a church folks can give more credence to a false rumor heard through the grapevine, as opposed to listening to the leadership says or bothering to find out if the rumor is true.

For example, I had a dear family that left the church because they were told there was going to be a church split. I told them there wasn't anything of the sort, but the left nonetheless. We did not have a split.

Before you believe and/or act on some things, make due diligence to determine their veracity.

How do you send or receive the message that you're speaking above the level of your knowledge? Atteberry suggests taking the “Apollos Approach,” quietly pulling another aside for instruction and/or correction. (Acts 18:24-26)

Discussion Questions:
  1. With regard to the first temptation, how would you Christianize the following proverb: “Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins”?
  2. What were some of the reasons given to explain the suffering of 9/11? How might some of them have been spoken beyond the advocate’s level of knowledge?
  3. What is at stake with an incorrect explanation of suffering? In other words, why should we avoid that temptation as Atteberry suggests?
  4. Why do we enjoy spreading rumors? Why won’t people take the time to do research before passing along what may be false?
  5. If speaking above the level of our knowledge is the problem, what is the answer? In other words, what practical steps can be taken to not speak above the level of our knowledge?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

There's no 'I' in TEAM ... but there is a 'Me' in MEDIOCRE.

A quote to inspire the Mighty Lakers for tonight's game:
"There's no 'I' in 'TEAM' ... but there is a 'Me' in 'MEDIOCRE.'"
-Kronk, Kronk's New Groove

Kobe, if you have to, get 50 tonight and win Game One against Orlando. If you have to get 20 points and 20 assists, you know what to do: Win Game One.
  • In the NBA, roughly 80% of the teams who win Game One with the series.
  • The Mighty Lakers have won the past 16 playoff series when winning Game One.
  • Phil Jackson's teams have never lost a playoff series when they've won Game One, going 46-0 in such circumstances.

Don't listen to the MJ & LJ comparisons. Don't worry about the box score. Worry only about the "W" column tonight.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess?

In an era of the high speed video games (e.g., Wii, X-Box 93, etc.) and a myriad of television options, I'm inclined to think today's children grow up missing out on one of the fondest aspects of my childhood: Board games.

So, for you kids out there ...
Gunny's Top 10 Board Games:
  1. Chess
  2. Axis & Allies
  3. Backgammon
  4. Risk
  5. The Game of LIFE
  6. Stratego
  7. Monopoly
  8. Trivial Pursuit
  9. Scrabble
  10. Battletech
After review, I realize my Top 10 may be daunting for some younger ones, so I'd suggest the following 5 primers before you're ready for the big leagues:
  1. Candyland
  2. Chutes & Ladders
  3. Sorry
  4. Checkers
  5. Chinese Checkers
Others you'd suggest? Different order?