Sunday, May 16, 2010

Political Mind Games

Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of playing political mind games, much to the detriment of Main Street USA.

It is the Democrats, however, who have taken the lead in their game of dividing America and pitting Wall Street against Main Street.

It seems a day doesn't go by when someone on Capitol Hill or at the White House blasts big business, most notably the financial and insurance industries.

Interesting that one rarely sees anything about the drug companies and their enormous profits and dangerous products.

Watching TV commercials for this drug or that drug it is amazing to this person why anyone would decide to take drugs that could potentially cause death or "suicidal thoughts or actions." Yet big PhRMA continues to roll out new drugs and rake in an estimated 17 or 18 percent net profit, far higher than most industries.

It could be, of course, that with the amount of money the drug companies put into play for political campaigns and lobbying is why they are not in the Democrat cross-hairs.

What is behind the blatant attempt to divide big business and rank and file American citizens and taxpayers?

Quite possibly more government takeovers and the erosion of our personal liberties.

The Federal Government has crossed too many lines and either trampled on or attempted to side-step the Bill of Rights, that powerful document that is supposed to ensure those actions cannot be done.

This has been accomplished, as one example, by massive earmarks and additional pork (read buying votes) to poorly crafted legislation in order to garner enough votes to ensure passage.

As noted in previous posts, the Congressional Special Interest Group is far worse than any other SIG in existence. And, under President Obama, who promised to eliminate earmarks during his reign, the health care reform act may have been the worst.

Recent polls point out that citizens are tired of political games with as many as two-thirds of those surveyed stating that new blood is needed in Washington DC.

America must get back to being America with free enterprise generating the economy, with the Federal Government doing what it is supposed to be doing, not running our lives and making decisions for us because they feel they know what is best for each and every person living here.

By all means, get rid of criminal elements in the private sector, but do so also in the public sector, as there are ample cases of crooked politicans and others who are paid through one or another government agency or taxpayer-funded institution. In other words get your own house in order.

Above all else, quit playing mind games and trying to destroy capitalism by making big business into the big bad wolf.

Over For Now.

Main Street One

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