Thursday, June 19, 2008

The human torch was denied a bank loan.

By now you know. Phil Jackson was denied his 10th championship. He started 9-0 on the Finals and is now 9-2. I like Phil Jackson, now that he's a Laker, but I used to hate him. Well, I guess I used to hate his former team.

I'm hoping this is therapeudic or at least helps to ease the pain, but here are the sports teams* I hate the most.

1) Washington Redskins
2) Philadelphia Eagles
3) San Francisco 49ers
4) New England Patriots

1) Houston DisAstros
2) Chicago Cubs

College Football
1) t.u. (University of Texas)
2) Notre Dame

1) Boston Celtics
2) Detroit Pistons
3) Houston Rockets

1) Detroit Red Wings

These are the teams I want to lose. In fact, a loss for one of them is almost as good as a victory for my favorites.

The most hated teams are typically the nemesis of my favorite teams (e.g., Cowboys, Cardinals, Aggies, Lakers, Mavericks, and Stars). But others are cheaters (e.g., Patriots) or over-hyped (e.g., Notre Dame).

* I don't necessarily hate the individuals on the team, but more so hate the team. In other words, I hate the name on the front of the jersey, not necessarily the name of the back. I learned that when Deion Sanders became a Cowboy. I used to hate him when he was a Falcon, then I REALLY hated him when he was a 49er. But I loved him when he put on the Cowboys uniform.

Care to vent?

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