Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Your mom goes to college.

Although it's gaining some in popularity, for several decades the Hausfrau (i.e., housewife) has not been regarded as a noble or respected pursuit in this country.

Ladies were pitied for having to "give up" their lives, dreams, or careers to be "stay at home moms." Such women may have felt some shamed or scorn from other ladies who "didn't squander" their talents or abilities.

Over the years this phenomenon has led to many different, and often creative, ways to describe how they can answer the common question, "What do you do?"

I'm sure you've heard many responses (e.g., homemaker, domestic engineer, VP of Domestic Affairs, etc.), but I found one particularly charming.

When asked what his housewife does, Pastor Tommy Nelson of Denton Bible Church would say, "She creates, raises, and shapes eternal humanity in the image of God."

That's pretty good. Any interesting descriptions/explanations you've heard?
P.S. Think about the disparity of how important it is to care for children versus the lack of esteem received by those who do so.

That's not only the case in society at large (e.g., teachers, since "those who can't do, teach"), but also in the church. Far too often I've heard seminary students say, "I don't want to
just teach children.

The irony, of course, is that one can often make a much greater impact on the life of a child than the life of an adult, even in the church.

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