Monday, March 9, 2009

It's part of a trilogy, a musical trilogy I'm on working in D minor, which is the saddest of all keys, I find.

Obama's presidential symphony is being written in D minor.

This is what many of us who opposed Obama because of his views on abortion were afraid of. Obama is lifting the ban on embryonic stem cell research.
"The executive order undoes former President George W. Bush's directive that was based on his determination that using embryos to create additional stem cell lines was morally wrong and, therefore, research on those lines should not be funded by the government."

This means your tax payer money will go to experimentation on human beings not permitted to develop and grow.
"Days-old embryos — typically from fertility clinics and destined for destruction — are destroyed for the stem cells."

The 2000 Baptist Faith and Message says, "Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord."

Don't be surprised if we see a boom in fertilizing eggs to bring on the conception of babies who were solely intended for research purposes, not treating them like humans, much as the Nazis did with the Jews in World War II.

To quote a buddy's Facebook status:
"Chris Ross [of the Daily Scroll] is sad that some humans are conceived only to have their bodies harvested for lab science."
Gunny is also sad. I fear at least 4 more years of D minor from composer #44, assuming we make it that long. Alan Keyes says it better than I ever could. (HT Tiffany)

See also Dr. Al Mohler's thoughts on this action: The Floodgate is Now Open -- President Obama and the Vulnerable Embryo
Those wondering when President Obama would make a clear move on a matter that involves the sanctity of human life now have their answer -- and its consequences. When President Obama says he will "respect" the point of view that such research is immoral, his respect is hard to detect.

See also the following Charles Krauthammer article Lance mentioned in the comments: Morally Unserious in the Extreme.
"I am not religious. I do not believe that personhood is conferred upon conception. But I also do not believe that a human embryo is the moral equivalent of a hangnail and deserves no more respect than an appendix."

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