Friday, February 19, 2010

Americans Are Dissatisfied With Government

According to a Washington Post-ABC News poll surveying 1,004 randomly selected citizens on February 11, 2010, "two-thirds of Americans are either dissatisfied or downright angry about the way the federal government is working."

The poll further revealed, per the article appearing in the Washington Post, that, "on average, the public estimates that 53 cents of every tax dollar they send to Washington is wasted."

The level of dissatisfaction by Main Street USA with our government (and, hence, the elected officials "leading" us) is at its highest level in 14 years.

Of significant note is that eight in 10 people who identify themselves as conservative Republicans hold negative views about the way our government is currently working, while just shy of six in 10 (59%) of the people who called themselves liberal Democrats responded they were "enthusiastic or satisfied about the role government was playing."

In order to have the total poll results at 67% negative that leaves the middle ground, the moderate Democrats, Republicans and Independents, as the group of citizens who tipped, and kept, the dissatisfied balance at a "super-majority-plus."

As stated earlier, it would be nice if our elected officials, from President Obama, to Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid, as well as each and every member of Congress, listened to what America has to say.

Main Street USA does not want, or need, a super-size government that regulates every little thing or decides that a government-run activity can do something better than the private sector.

The most recent examples are state-run pension plans, now one trillion dollars in debt. And, that is not from the 2008 economic collapse.

The super-majority-plus of taxpayers does not desire a government that does not spend within its budget with no thought of the future consequences and has, in reality, absolutely no accountability.

That an elected representative may get voted out of office due to voters being upset with their actions is not really accountability. Afterall, that deposed member of Congress will still reap the rewards of handsome retirement pay and benefits (courtesy of Main Street USA).

A person who uses credit to the maximum, and more, pays the piper in the end, either in the form of excessively high interest rates with loans and cards never being paid in full, or ends up having to file bankruptcy.

And, based on months of polling American citizens, it is not a desire that the federal government be our healthcare provider. Period.

So, why is Washington trying to ram this down our throats?

Whose agenda is it that this occur?

The US Government, in the immortal words of President Abraham Lincoln, is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people.

Does today's leadership, despite Main Street USA flatly stating that we do not want government-run healthcare, feel that American Citizens do not know what is in our own best interest? That only those who sit on Capitol Hill know what is good and best for its voting public (i.e., taxpayers)?

Wake Up Everybody!

The people have spoken.

Many times.

Start listening to your constituency.

Over For Now.

Main Street One

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