Thursday, February 25, 2010

Early Health Care Summit Notes

Writing this as the Summit is taking place.

Senator Lamar Alexander brought up the basic Republican platform. Most sounded pretty good. Once again, Tort Reform was on the list.

He quoted many past and current political figures as he presented his case, many of which were very relevant.

Speaker Pelosi pleading her case was interesting.

Yes, Main Street USA wants much of what she mentioned, but not at the cost being proposed.

Yes, Senator Reid, Americans do want healthcare reform, but not the reform that has been passed in the House and the Senate.

Why cannot the Democrats allow Tort Reform in the healthcare package?

In terms of facts that Senator Reid brings up, anyone can bring up a "fact" that supports their cause.

There is a fact that 10 million people who are not covered have decided, themselves, not to purchase it, even though they can.

Why do people sitting on Capitol Hill think they can force people to do something?

And, why is it that they feel that they can then force these people to obtain insurance or be fined?

Reid seemed to start on a bit of an attack mode, and kept it up.

As President Obama brings up issues where Democrats and Republicans agree and disagree it seems as if he would like to work together, but it is ironic that, in a national stage such as this, Democrats do not answer or respond to Tort Reform.

Cost control is definitely a concern as the president brought up in remarks, yet his only response to Tort Reform (ie frivolous lawsuits, etc.) is to have Secretary Sebelius is working on something that allows the states to do that. Why, on Earth, would that be a state matter, when many of the earmarks (to be funded by all of Main Street USA) should be, in this taxpayer's opinion, handled by their own means?

Dr./Senator Coburn was brilliant in his presentation on how to lower healthcare costs 15% on a right now, immediate basis; fraud in medicare and medicaid, extortion on medical malpractice, no new government programs, etc.

This forum seems as if it will, at some point, heat up quite a bit.

Initital thoughts and ideas as to how this is developing.

Over For Now.

Main Street One

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