Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.

I saw this yesterday and gave a chuckle ...

"Dallas police, officials discourage random gunfire"

That seems well, a bit understated to me. The headline doesn't quite tell the whole story:
"Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle and two top City Council officers made a New Year's Eve plea this morning that people not celebrate tonight by randomly firing guns around the city."

I didn't know people still did that. You'd see this in old western movies, celebrating with random gunfire in the air.

My grandpa used to do this as well. New Year's Eve when the clock got to midnight he shot a few rounds into the air off the front porch.

I remember as a kid asking him where the bullets went. He said something to the effect of "I don't know" and the conversation was over.

But I have wondered about that ever since. Do they disappear into the atmosphere? Do they travel to the moon? Do they eventually come back to earth in Canada?

Or do they travel back down and hit people, houses, dogs, cars, etc.?

Any ideas?

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