Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

A future singing dentist? Where does this 10 year-old girl live? I'm hoping it's not too far for her family to commute to Providence Church. Gabi, like most 4th graders I assume you're reading my blog, so join us Sunday in Garland! (HT Renita)

Read about Not For Sale, modern day abolitionists.

Read some good insight on How to Craft a Good Sermon … or a Great One. (HT Gene E)

Who are the ad wizards who came up with this one? Read about 24-hour medical marijuana vending machines in Los Angeles.

1, 2 ... Freddy's coming for you. Read about the re-launch of the Nightmare of Elm Street movie series.

Will the real liberal please stand up? Read as Romney and McCain called one another "liberal" while campaigning for Florida. It's been a while since I heard a good round of "I know you are, but what am I?"

Read Why Every Calvinist Must Be Evangelistic.

Read this hot political opinion (HPO) after the Florida primary: McCain didn't just win Florida -- he won the GOP nomination.

Read Jeff Wright urge everyone to unite around Romney: Why conservatives must say 'No' to John McCain and Mike Huckabee.

Read as Joe Carter shares the Case Against Romney.

Read about how some non-Christians feel left out of election.

Read about the findings that cold medications send 7,000 children to the emergency room each year. Phooey! (Yes, that passed spell check.) I can anticipate the pharmacies' response: "Meds don't kill people; doctors kill people."

Read about Pre-Marital Adultery: The Marital Obligations of Single Christians.
"I believe that Christian men and women who are unmarried (and are not called to a life of chastity) have certain present obligations to their future spouse."

Familiar with the "Motivational" posters? Check out these attempts to have fun with the Emerging peeps. They're in alphabetical order, but my favorites were POSTMODERN and UNITY.

Check out C.J. Mahaney's new blog.
"In fact, it was that possibility, that I could somehow serve pastors, members of Sovereign Grace churches and anyone who wanted to listen in, that eventually persuaded me to begin this blog. So, I hope in some small way this does serve you and if not then we will simply close it down and I will hold my well-meaning friends responsible."

Be aware of these Signs that you might be taking this emerging thing too far.
16. You brag that you have never been pinned down theologically on any issue.
13. You are offended when someone says they are going to “Preach the Gospel” or “Teach the truth” believing they should just “Tell a story.”

Read about a REALLY lonely man. Where's Dr. Phil when you need him?
"A lonely Japanese man has been arrested for allegedly calling directory assistance thousands of times because he liked to be scolded by female operators"

Click here to have your computer screen cleaned the old fashioned way.

Listen to the 9 Marks interview with Iain Murray, assistant to the late Martyn Lloyd-Jones and big dog with Banner of Truth.
"Murray discusses the ministries of Lloyd-Jones, Pink and pulls some great lessons from Wesley that Calvinists need to take heed of." (HT FaithbyHearing)

Read about Suzanne Pleshette receiving a posthumous Hollywood Star.

Check out this awesome list of summer 2008 movies, with a synopsis and evaluation (i.e., verdict). File this one away for later at the least.

This is perhaps one of the greatest insights I've seen in a very long time. Read the Church from the World's Window about doing things in public together as a church. (HT Ray Fowler)
"I fear that the visible church is only visible on Sundays and Wednesdays, and even then it is not the church which is visible, but rather just the gathering of cars in a parking lot! Now, I don’t claim to have the perfect answer, or any grand words of wisdom or a deep, profound insight into how the visible church can actually become more visible to the world, but I do have one small suggestion:
* Do more things in public with your church body so that the world will see you together with one another."

On the eve of Super Tuesday, read about how Democrats & Republicans use different methods to pick a nominee. (Now, if someone could just explain to me the difference between a caucus and a primary ...)
"The delegate selection process is designed to keep the campaign going for as long as possible" among Democrats"

Apparently, I'm not the only one who's not a fan of the "spicing up your sex life" slooge that is used to attract a church crowd. Read about folks in Allen, Texas, upset over the ads for the sermon series "MySexLifeStinks.TV."

Read about the 79 year old nun sentenced to jail for sexually abusing 2 teens in the 1960s.

Read an interview with the author of The Sociology of ‘Hooking Up’ - Sex, Dating & Relationships on Campus.
"Q: Was anyone willing to talk openly about the “walk of shame"?
A: Several of the students I interviewed mentioned the “walk of shame,” which refers to a college student, usually female, walking home the next morning after a hookup encounter in the same outfit he/she was wearing the evening prior. Given that students dress differently for “going out” at night than during the daytime, it is obvious to onlookers when a student is doing the walk of shame. One of many interesting things about this phrase is that students use the word “shame” at all. If students accept hooking up and believe that “everybody’s doing it,” then why do they use the term shame when referencing a hookup encounter? I think that phrase actually underscores an important issue: Many students are struggling with the hookup system. For those students who are having trouble making sense of it all, I hope my book will help shed some light on both what is happening and why it is happening."

Ponder the ethics of execution.

Read 10 Tips to Retain More of What You Read Online.

Read about Economics of Recruiting: A new way to predict where top prospects will end up.

Check out the Top 12 Evangelical Christians in Sports Today.

The devil made me do it! Read about the Odessa, Texas, man trying to use this as the explanation for his wife's death: Man says exorcism led to wife's death.

Read about how the Giants shocked the world and gave us an unexpectedly GREAT game in Superbowl XLII. Congratulations to the Manning brothers winning back to back Superbowl MVPs.

Check out these Superbowl commercials. (HT Jade)
Planter's Perfume
A Message Sent by Audi Corrleone (my favorite)
How I would suggest you not AMP up a jumpstart
Coca Cola Jinx

Comment of the Week:
"THE drawback to a bow tie? You have to iron more of your shirt. With a regular tie, you only have to iron the collar, then put on a jack and your good! :)" (Timothy)
"A woman is like a tea bag—you never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water."
–Eleanor Roosevelt

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