Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sir, you ask how to fight an idea. Well I'll tell you how ... with another idea.

While on vacation, I finally got around to listening to some audio that had been on my "To Hear" list. Mark Driscoll's talk on The Supremacy of Christ and the Church in a Postmodern World was on that list.

(Via the following link you can watch, listen, and/or download the message.)

Referencing the obligation to contend for the truth from Jude 3, Driscoll gave 9 things/truths for which we must contend:
  1. The veracity (my word) of Scripture as the meta-narrative
  2. The sovereignty of God amid the threat of Open Theism
  3. The virgin birth of Jesus Christ
  4. The reality of a sin nature amid the threat of Pelagianism
  5. Penal substitutionary atonement
  6. The exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the only way
  7. Gender differences as defined by the Bible, resulting in different roles for men & women in the home and church
  8. The doctrine of hell, being literal, conscious, and eternal
  9. The Kingdom (and the King) over (and more important than) culture

Any others we might add, particularly those threated by the Emergent/postmodern condition?

Driscoll is a bit of a controversial figure, but I suggest his talk would be worth a listen.

Though one might disagree with his decisions about which particular aspects of culture should be rejected, received, or redeemed, I think he's right in that we need to be focus on the incarnation (by following Christ's example, i.e., being "incarnational") in addition to focusing on Christ's exaltation.

Driscoll's contention was that the Emergent tend to focus on Christ's humanity to the exclusion of His deity, while the Reformed are susceptible to the reverse.

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