Monday, April 19, 2010

And The Survey Says . . .

In the latest set of surveys from the Pew Research Center, as reported by The Associated Press, the headline reads: "4 out of 5 Americans don't trust Washington."

Prior to commenting on the specifics, it must be pointed out that there is apathy on Capitol Hiill.

The AP story carried this: Sen. Scott Brown, a Republican who won a long-held Democratic Senate seat in Massachusetts in January by seizing on public antagonism toward Washington, said: "It's clear Washington is broken. There's too much partisan bickering to be able to solve the problems people want us to solve."

Reading that quote by Senator Brown again, perhaps it is not apathy.

However, if our elected represenatives cannot get past their childish "partisan bickering" then there should be a recall election for all seats in both the Senate and House of Represntatives.

The reason? Read the polls.

Main Street USA does not want bigger, more controlling government.

The People did not want the "Health Care Rights Bill" as it was signed into law.

Taxpaying citizens do want officials to represent them, not the beauracrat's "wiser than thou" attitude reflecting how they know what is best for the "people on the street" (based on voting records).

The Pew poll findings, per AP, state; "Majorities in the survey call Washington too big and too powerful, and say it's interfering too much in state and local matters."

And there is not one political figure today who can deny that sentiment being displayed, over and over again, by Main Streeters. And, if one does, that person is vacationing (while being paid to work) and has absolutely no grasp on reality.

That the White House and Congress continue to charge ahead with an attitude that crosses public (i.e., voter) opinion, as well as matters of Constitutional Law, regarding the functions of the federal government does show, unfortunately, that the silent majority has allowed, for far too long, the usurpation of state power and individual responsibility.

The system as created by our Founding Fathers does work. That has been proven over time.

We need them back.

Minimally, we need people of the caliber of Patrick Henry, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and others like them who had integrity and spirit, who actually fought for the people.

Our founders were not concerned about their pension plan, free flights across the country anytime they wanted, huge staff with virtually unlimited budgets, all paid for by taxpaying citizens who have become more and more burdened by the national debt.

They were concerned about rights and liberties.

They knew too well, through their knowledge of history, into what a too-powerful central government would evolve.

Politicians need to remember this, above all else. The People agreed to create and form states. The states created the federal government.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights protect those who created this country.

If those who were elected to serve do not start doing so, they deserve to be impeached with absolutely no benefits, pensions or retirement, as they have committed treason against this country.

Over For Now.

Main Street One

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