Monday, March 31, 2008

Somebody's gotta keep his eye on the ball.

Today is the 65th birthday of Christopher Walken (bio - quotes).

For many years he was an actor I found rather creepy, but he's REALLY grown on me.

To celebrate his day, I submit to you some of his best--his best movies and his best roles.

(You could make a case that he plays the same role in every movie, but they do at least give him a different name in each one.)

His best movies:

  1. The Dead Zone
  2. The Deer Hunter
  3. Batman Returns
  4. The Rundown
  5. Wedding Crashers

His best roles:

  1. The Bruce Dickinson, the needer of more cowbell
  2. Hatcher in The Rundown
  3. Caesar the exterminator in Mousehunt

Any other suggestions?

Here's Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven," read by Christopher Walken.

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