Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"This Isn't About Politics." Really?

Famous last words, "This isn't about me. This isn't about politics…"

If this isn’t about politics, as President Obama said regarding his massive health care reform demand, what is it about?

No, it is not really about a "health care system that is breaking America’s families," as our leader claims, either.

How can I say that?

Simple. Because, as currently being considered by both the House and the Senate, the cost of the reform will, indeed, break America’s families.

To the tune of one trillion dollars, conservatively, because the financial projections are based, quite simply, on the White House goals of attainment, not actual and calculated economic projections.

One thing I do not understand, Mr. President, is why the US Government, as part of this proposed health care reform, has to be a provider of health services? Why would I want the government to decide the best course of action for what ails me, instead of my doctor? Why can't Tort Reform be part of this change?

And for a candidate who quite vocally opposed pork in legislative bills and called for change in politics, why do we see, in the proposed bill, earmarks that will provide, for example, billions of dollars for walking paths, streetlights, jungle gyms, and even farmers' markets?

Supposedly, as the argument goes, this is to strengthen our health infrastructure.

The version put forth by the House has a $1.6 billion per year "cap" on the projects. This will, supposedly, save us money by reducing obesity and other related health problems.

I would really like to see the study that shows that this will occur.

A spokesperson for Senator Ted Kennedy, Anthony Coley, stated, "If improving the lighting in a playground or clearing a walking path or a bike path or restoring a park are determined as needed by a community to create more opportunities for physical activity, we should not prohibit this from happening."

Ok, don't prohibit it. But why does Main Street USA have to pay for it?

My main argument to this is: if a particular community wishes to do add those items then why can't that community figure out a way to get it done? Why does all of Main Street USA have to contribute to what would end up being added to some communities, while the vast majority of other American cities would not see a dime of this expenditure.

Let's face it America, all these porkers do is provide billions for various states and districts to ensure the votes of specific House or Senate members.

And, yes, that IS politics.

Yet, President Obama stated, to the nation, that, "This isn't about me. This isn't about politics."

And, aligned with the above topic, though slightly different, was President Obama's gaffe regarding the proposal he is attempting to push through.

In a nationally televised address, he stated, "The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system." (Emphasis added.)

Was that a Freudian slip?

"…inefficiencies to our health care system."

A science dictionary defines that form of a slip as: "An error in speech that reveals repressed thoughts or feelings." A medical dictionary says: "A verbal mistake that is thought to reveal an unconscious belief, thought, or emotion."

I leave that to your own imagination and conclusions.

Over For Now,

Main Street One

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