Friday, July 17, 2009

Too Much Push, Too Much Government

A day after the chief budgeter of the USA, Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf, stated, “costs over the long run would keep rising at an unsustainable pace,” President Obama presses Congress even more than before.

He is urging deeper cuts.

The problem with that is just because Congress, in an attempt to please and appease President Obama, “cuts” some additional costs does NOT mean that the costs will come in at those lower figures.

History has surely taught us that.

As AP reports it, "What we want to do is force the Congress to make sure that they are acting" on recommendations to hold down Medicare and Medicaid spending, the president said, rather than allowing reports to sit unused on a shelf.

Force the Congress? The Prez is playing hardball.

I, for one, do not appreciate any president using that language. A much better choice of words would be, “What we want to do is convince Congress…” Much more statesman-like. As Thomas Jefferson said, “A politician looks forward only to the next election. A statesman looks forward to the next generation.”

President Obama further states that without health reform that Main Street USA will see “premiums going up at astronomical rates.”

Perhaps. I am not sure what exact information he has to in order to predict "astronomical" increases. Maybe that’s just a scare tactic to ensure passage.

The Executive and Legislative Branches might also try Tort Reform as many have been calling for in an attempt to help curb costs.

Maybe we do need health care reform. But, why, Mr. President, can’t it be done in a more rational manner with projections that are as accurate as possible, as opposed to slamming something through just to say you got it done?

The US Government does not need to be and should not be in business. The Government, by way of the US taxpayers, are owners of banks, insurance companies, automobile manufacturers. Is there any end in sight?

How much bigger can we make our government?

Another quote by Thomas Jefferson, which I believe to be quite true, is, “Most bad government has grown out of too much government.”

Be on guard, Main Street USA…bigger, when it comes to government, is not better.

Thus, I will close with one more Jefferson quote, “Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases.”

Over For Now,

Main Street One

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