Monday, July 6, 2009

Launch Main Street One

I have had many people suggest that I should start a blog…so here goes.

The name Main Street One comes from the unprecedented media exposure concerning the effects of Wall Street upon Main Street over the past year. I very much consider my self a part of Main Street. I have a job. I have a house. I have debts, aside from my mortgage. And my circle of friends are pretty much the same.

The Main Street One blog will focus on a few areas, the largest of which will be the US economy and related issues along with education.

Credentials? Well I do not have a bunch of alphabet soup letters behind my name, but I have written and had printed/published close to a million words. I am 57 years old and have seen and done a lot in my time. I have traveled and mixed it up with celebrities, best-selling authors, top flight musicians and, should I admit it, some politicos. I have also known people less fortunate. Not just seen them but befriended them. I have had my moments wondering how I was going to pay certain bills. And there have been times I could not get my car repaired due to lack of funds. I guess what I am saying is the life experience can – and does – mold our thoughts, views, convictions.

I know I can write. And, I do have opinions that can be shared. As much as possible my opinions will be backed up by documented fact. There may be some supposition thrown in to the mix, but I plan to present those positions grounded in fact, both past and present.

For now, I want to leave you with this thought, following a preface.

Patrick Henry was one of the greatest statesmen and orators our country has ever known. Most people remember him, of course, only for his words, “Give me liberty or give me death.” However, Mr. Henry was quite instrumental in the formation and adoption of the Bill of Rights. He actually fought against the Constitution, as written, as it was his strong belief that there was too much power granted the government and not enough to “the people.” Fortunately, he was joined by other like-minded individuals and we are able to enjoy those Rights.

The thought I want to leave you with is one of my favorite government/political quotes voiced by Mr. Henry and probably more than ever very applicable today:

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."

I, for one, believe that some restraint needs to be placed on our Government and will be addressing this in the very near future.

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