Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Part Robot, Part Energizer Rabbit

The robot in this video is not programmed to move in a certain way. It is programmed to learn about itself and then determine the best way to move and accomplish it's mission. If it is damaged, it will then adapt and determine the most efficient way to move. Essentially it is like the Energizer rabbit.......it keeps going and going and going. The purpose is that a robot like this can be sent to Mars, and if it becomes damaged it can still learn new ways to carry out it's mission.

How can someone be so smart as to be able to make a machine that can learn about itself, and even learn how to overcome damage, and at the same time that person doesn't think about the implications of a robot that never quits. Am I the only one that has seen Terminator? The Terminator gets it's legs and arms chopped off but it still keeps dragging itself towards it's goal which is the end of a humans life. Just one more reason to be afraid of machine sentience. They never quit. They never tire. They have no mercy.

Have a good day,


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