Monday, January 10, 2011

Davos 2011

No not him, though there is more going on there than meets the eye.

You know where Niall, the weirdly named forgotten Scotch überbitchboy propagandist, hangs out with the religioKriminalrats.

So lets get the bolloxbabelphish to work then.

They've got some issues “The Annual Meeting 2011 will convene under the theme Shared Norms for the New Reality. This theme reflects the foremost concern of many leaders today - namely, living in a world that is becoming increasingly complex and interconnected and, at the same time, experiencing an erosion of common values and principles that undermines public trust in leadership as well as future economic growth and political stability.”

Lets get with the translation for us, the vulgar and unwashed.

The Annual Meeting 2011

[Noone lacks for a square meal, cosey bedlinen and pneumatic ladyboys at the end of January then unlike 90 percent of the rest of humanity]

will convene under the theme Shared Norms for the New Reality

[Oh fuck me, are we going to prop up the bar in CHEERS? What a load of arsebark. There never is a new reality just never ending death being dished out year after year like always. Jumped up fuckedwitz].

This theme reflects the foremost concern of many leaders

[Check out that word “leader”. Examine it, rotate it and view it from as many angles as you want. Gaze upon it. As usual with these fools the word conotes the opposite. Lets do a double bolloxbabelphish on this word especialy for this occasion.]

[[LEADER. I especially like

2. a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group.

Well if you’ve read my little note about wankstators you know what a directing head is! What these guys mean by leaders and leadership is a bitchboy or boybitch who will do what they are told, basically. So from that we can deduce that we, you and me the great heaving mass are lower than whale shit and even thicker.]]

today - namely, living in a world that is becoming increasingly complex and interconnected

[bollox to that, the world is getting simpler and more monocultural with each passing day. The diversity is being eradicated. Everything is to be reduced to a cell in the great big universal spreadsheet within which red means delection from exisistence. What they are really moaning about is how hard it is to keep the pony show on the road without the great unwashed twigging to the fact that it is all a religioKriminal Ponzi scheme.]

and, at the same time, experiencing an erosion of common values and principles

[well fucking stop it then you goons, you are the clowns that are up to the turning everything to complete shit]

that undermines public trust in leadership

[ you’ve got that correct, we don’t trust you and your operatives as far as we can throw you]

as well as future economic growth and political stability.

[Awwwww diddums, no political stablility. Every family has been undermined by your so called chosen “leaders”, every family faces chaos and yet you slobs cannot handle a bit of instability. Go fuck yourselves.]

Look at their partners, look at their co-chairs. Spreadsheet terrorists every last one. You wouldn’t leave them in charge of a nursery would you?

Today one of these so called leaders met with the representatives of human organ & body part thieves and slavers.

Now remember these Davos slobs hunted high and low, chose the scion of an old wealthy family with ties way back into the murky past of dealing death to the Imperial Chinese, and then this leader of ours sits down to do what. Get Tatra, an Indian High Masonic company, more access into the slavers so called market.

Two things this tells us.

1. The leaders they want us to accept are just plausible front guys with religioKriminal family backgrounds.

2. Most of UKplc doesn’t realise that it is soon to become adherents to this religioKriminal belief system no matter what faith or otherwise they follow at this moment.

Oh, I almost forgot. I wonder how many children got an invite they couldn’t refuse to this year's Davos? (Late H/T VERITAS6464)

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