Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Labor union activity paid by taxpayers

The video below speaks to a real issue here in Main Street USA.

Labor unions existing in the public sector.

Why these were ever allowed to come into being when one is using taxpayer money to fund wages is beyond, I believe, anything our Founding Fathers would have wanted.

The below is a direct quote from the YouCut website:

"Currently, some federal employees spend up to 100% of their workweek, paid by taxpayers, doing work for their union. Federal employees unions collect millions in revenue each year and spend significant amounts on political activities and lobbying, should they also be subsidized by the taxpayer for their official functions? In 2008 the Federal government spent $120 million paying employees for their time spent working on union activities (over five years this would total a minimum of $600 million.)"

This observation does beg the question: how is this allowed?

If it is known about, it should simply be stopped. Period.

Labor union activities are not listed in their job function. Thus, the simple way to deal with the problem is to make these federal employees cease the activity.

It is hoped that citizens of America have become so outraged at how their money is spent year after year, and how Capitol Hill can allow such (known-about) waste as the above, that votes are cast this November to elect only those fiscally responsible candidates--regardless of their party affiliation.

And to elect candidates who are not afraid to stop any form of corruption.

Over For Now.

Main Street One

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