Monday, April 25, 2011

The Collectivist Conspiracy: G Edward Griffin analyzes how both the Democrats and Republicans are Collectively workings towards the emergence the New World Order

G. Edward Griffin has long been a voice of reason,
while questioning the Agenda of the Global Financial
Elite. His Book "The Creature from Jekyll Island"
is a key expose of the Federal Reserve Banking Fraud.

Author, and researcher G. Edward Griffin in a recent interview for Prison Planet.TV analyzes the agenda of the global bankster elite to establish a world government based upon a collectivist model that will crush individual freedoms under the total control of a tyranical One World State. As the most significant obstacle remaining in their Broadway to destruction is the American people who still cherish their national identity, Griffin explains how eventually due to the collapse of U.S. economy that our long sold out government will in all likelihood institute martial law upon "We the People" once we are faced with the reality that our former "American Dream" of individual freedom, and liberty is being sacrificed upon the collectivist altar of Global Government.

Griffin provides a clear, and concise explanation of the false political paradigm of major differences in the philosophy of government between the Republican, and Democratic Parties, both of which are committed towards expanding the size, power, and control of a centralized Federal Government. As neither party has been able to stop the acceleration of our national debt, and now it is totally apparent that both parties are sold out to the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhauer warned us about, as Obama now has a war of his own now in Libya.

Griffin explains how he was able to grow out of his childhood understandings of the Democrats representing the extreme left and Republicans controling the extreme right, when in reality what happens in Washington D.C. is a carefully orchestrated show not unlike a professional wrestling match where both competitors take turns controlling portions of a highly entertaining fight, only for both competitors after exiting the arena enjoy a few drinks together at a post fight party.

"Competition is a Sin!" John D. Rockefeller

Collectivism is the polar opposite of individualism and Collectivists believe that the interests of the individual, must be sacrificed for the greater good for the greater number, at least for the relatively few whose generational wealth affords them the greatest number of digits in their offshore banking accounts explains Griffin. Collectivists invoke the doctrines of socialism, communism, fascism, and even monopolistic capitalism.
As opposed to free-market competition in a capitalistic economic system, Griffin explains how the the Rockefeller class of big money capitalism has long conspired with government officials to impose unfair trade obstacles upon their competitors.

In the U.S. both the Republican and Democrat parties are committed to advancing collectivism, this is why the same policies seem to be followed no matter who is currently residing in the White House.

All collectivist systems eventually deteriorate into a police state because that’s the only way you can hold it together,” warns Griffin.

Carroll Quigley, a Georgetown University Professor and mentor to former president Bill Clinton, in his books Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment, described how the elite maintain a silent dictatorship while fooling people into believing that they have political freedom, and a real say in how they are being governed. The Masters of Media Spin Propaganda maintain a never-ending series of pre-wrestling match like taunts, and quarrels between influential voices within the two parties using carefully selected terms of slogans and leadership, while in reality both parties are controlled from the top down, by the international Elite who use their Corporate minions to control the campaign financing that virtually all politicians are totally hooked, and dependant upon for their political survival. Thus both parties basically are pursuing the same agenda.

Griffin explains how the Tea Party, after its genuine genesis as a grass roots movement, was at first smeared as being "astro-turf by Nancy Pelosi only to later be hijacked by the Republicans via the media personalities of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.

Pointing out how Republicans and Democrats agree on the most important topics, such as US foreign policy, endless wars in the Middle East, and the dominance of the private banking system over the economy, Griffin lays out how the left-right hoax is by the globalist's to steer the destiny of America off the proverbial cliff.
 Griffin also talks at length on a host of other important subjects, such as the move towards a Chinese-style censored Internet, the demonization of the John Birch Society as a racist extremist group, the Hegelian dialectic, the power of tax-exempt foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations, the movement towards world government, and the question of whether the elite are really worried about the growing awareness of their agenda amongst Americans. Griffin also was the producer for the ground-breaking Documentary Film: "What in the World are They Spraying?" that examines the devastating world-wide environmental results of the Geo-Engineering/Chem-Trail Agenda.

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