Friday, September 9, 2011

Government Waste - Pelosi Burned Many Air Miles and Taxpayer Dollars

During Nancy Pelosi's reign as Speaker of the House she took advantage of, and seriously abused, her position. All at taxpayer expense.

According to documents obtained from the US Air Force, through the Freedom of Information Act, Judicial Watch discovered that during the first nine months of 2010 Pelosi flew 90,155 miles on Air Force aircraft 43 different times. That is an average of almost five flights per month.

An example of one roundtrip flight: A May 6-10, 2010, Congressional Delegation to Afganistan and Germany "to discuss issues of mutual interest in Qatar and Afghanistan, as well as conduct oversight on women’s issues (troops) in Afghanistan and to visit with US troops and meet with government officials in Germany."
The total cost of military travel was $204,135.00. Makes one wonder what other costs, aside from military, Main Street USA incurred during that trip.

A blazing question is even more basic, however. Why on Earth did Pelosi have to fly to these countries to speak to others about these topics? And a visit to US troops? What could possibly have been achieved by her appearances that would have been of great benefit to American taxpayers?

Perhaps visiting those countries were on her bucket list.

Even more evidence of her blatant disregard towards American citizens is the fact that many of the trips she took were to visit her San Franciso-area home.

Sorry, but this blogger feels that if someone runs for national office they know well in advance that they will have to live in Washington DC and if their family elects not to move then that elected person should foot the bill, through commercial air travel, to visit home. Either that or they can charter a private jet, out of their own pocket, to do so.

Afterall, it is not as if they do not earn a few dollars for talking the talk in DC for several months a year.

It is about time that Capitol Hill discovers webinars and cuts down on excessive and abusive travel, as well as other perks, that they seem to enjoy all too much.

Of note, is that during one two-year period as House Speaker Pelosi racked up military travel expenses of $2,100,744.59. Not a bad perk, Nancy. But, of course, you do feel our pain, don't you?

Over For Now.

Main Street One

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