Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I meant I was implying I didn't understand.

Some grammatical clarifications, not that I'm implying that you're ignorantly misusing the Queen's English.

I.e. vs E.g.
  • I.e. (Latin, id est = "that is") - The abbreviation is used to express the sentiment "in other words." Usage: We went to a movie (i.e., "Star Wars"). In other words, the movie seen was "Star Wars."
  • E.g. (Latin exempli gratia = "for example") - The abbreviation is used to suggest applicable examples. Usage: Let's go to a movie (e.g., "Star Wars"). Here, "Star Wars" is one among many movies you might go see. So, the e.g., could have been "Star Wars," "Jaws," or "Rocky," etc.
Sympathize vs. Empathize
  • Sympathize - the emotional affinity in which whatever affects one person affects another person
  • Empathize - the ability to recognize and experientially feel the emotion of another, typically as a result of a prior similar experience (empathy typically encompasses sympathy)
Presume vs. Assume
  • Presume - to believe something to be true without proof of non-contradictory evidence (e.g., The defendant is presumed innocent.)
  • Assume - often used similarly, but assume means to suppose, postulate, or claim something is true without checking or confirming it
Farther vs. Further
  • Farther - refers to physical distance
  • Further - refers to an extension of time or degree (It's "furthermore," never "farthermore.")
Who? vs. Whom?
  • Who - used when referring to the subject
  • Whom - used when referring to the object (Use the he/him method to decide which pronoun is correct: He=Who & Him=Whom, for example, "Who kicked whom? He kicked him.") (see my previous post for more)
Implying vs. Inferring
  • Imply - for the giver of information to suggest indirectly; to put the suggestion into the message
  • Infer - for the receiver of information to make a guess or conclusion in light of certain evidence; to take the suggestion out of the message (A speaker can imply, but a listener can only infer.)
Alas vs. Alack
  • Alas - used to express sorrow or grief
  • Alack - more old school way to say "alas"
Regardless vs. Irregardless
  • Regardless - without regard for or despite something
  • Irregardless - commonly used the same way, though somewhat nonsensically, since the "ir" should be used for negation rendering the term a double negative meaning "not without regard for/to"

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