Monday, July 18, 2011

Tired of being sick


It's been 1 week since I came home from Hospital. 
I've been feeling well and I start to get tired of this already.
I'm not going to anywhere, I'm not doing anything.

Expect that I went to see doctor at thursday and yesterday.
Now all stitches are off but the wound isn't good at all.
Last stitch was deeply to in my skin.
First there was 3 nurses, all trying to get that off without hurting me, then they asked doctor to come andt ake that off.
He put anesthesia needle and it took around 5 minutes to get the last stitch off.
So all in all, there was 4 stitches and it took 40 minutes. 
Now my wound is swollen and really painful.
But hey, let's think postive way, stitches are off!

Lately I haven't been in a mood for doing anything. 
I've been a little bit depressed.
I don't think how long I will take this anymore, I need to go somewhere.
Since I'm not so sick anymore.
But it's not easy to try start normal life again because I know that I can't do all things like I did before surgery.

I'm going to be a total absolutist for next 3 months, all thanks to my medicines.
Well, it's not a big deal because I don't drink so much anyway.
But maybe I'll survive.
I was already planning to go Joensuu in this week.
I want to see Sophie's new puppy Rambo<3
and maybe some shopping would make my mood better,, ;) 

Today my parents tried to make my mood better,
My favourite grill food and ice cream. 
So yummy~~ ^^
But I feel bad about eating just because Im not feeling good.
I'll get fat.. and thats what I don't want.


I was playing with shy boy today and he is actually quite good model for me. 
This hunting-picture is best of what I took! :D

I really would like to do something else than sleep, play with computer, watch movies and eat.

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